
These are some of my favorite books and tools about health and wellness. Check them out! Click on the picture link to order.

An amazing book about Native American approach to healing. If you want to understand how important Mother Nature is to our healing force please read this book about legendary healer Bear Heart.


Dr. Jonas is a thought leader in the field of Integrative medicine. A great read for those trying to understand what healing is and what is required to stimulate the healing response.

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Khalsa and his wife Kirti in 2004 as a resident. This is one of the most underrated books I have read on the benefits of meditation. Dr. Khalsa walks you through a different form that includes chants, mudras (hand positions), and pranayama (breathing techniques). His basic breath series is one I use to start my day. A must have for any serious meditator.

Ben is probably the preeminent biohacker in our country. His book is really an unbelievable reference on health and longevity. I have adopted many of his recommendations including cold showers, sauna, and box breathing. This is really a reference book (weighs about 5 lbs) and something to review with a highlighter and a note pad. A must have addition to your health library.

Dr. Weil is the father of Integrative Medicine in this country. This book is full of useful information regarding how to age gracefully and maintain optimal health as you age. I have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Weil and am currently involved in his two year fellowship program. A great read to boost your health IQ!


David Hall’s Cellerciser is the best rebounder on the market. I start each day with a 15 minute routine on my Cellerciser. There are so many benefits to this product including improving lymphatic circulation, building muscle tone and flexibility and boosting your immune system. This is typically easy on the joints but if you have orthopedic injuries feel free to setup a consult with me before investing in this product.



Another amazing book on sleep. I have taken Dr. Breus’ sleep course through Mindvalley and most of his key elements are in this test. He will walk you through determining your sleep type, ideal bedtime and outline numerous strategies to improve your sleep. A must for your health library